dijous, 6 de desembre del 2007

the tree house

when I was little I lived in a tree house
but it was an imaginary one
no one could see it
no one could come to visit me

it was my own world
and it was magic

I could make anything appear
anything was possible
if I wanted a dog
if I wanted a huge table
if I wanted a fire place
I had to close my eyes
think about it for one second
and it came true

my mum used to ask me
hey, na, what's going on?
are you here?
did you listen what we've just said?

I used to answer

but it didn't really bother me
who cared
what humans talked about

when one could live in a tree house
the house of wonders

3 comentaris:

Aifan ha dit...

I love these new photos about drops, water, flowerpower and beauty!

Anònim ha dit...

The secret game of perception...
Indeed it is...

And therefore, try exacerbating what you visualize to Dalinian propotions, to atonishing allucinogic trips to the world of nowhere where allwhere can only exist, once and for all and all, that freedom of spirit will push you apart and then you'll say:
did you listen what we've just said?
i used to answer

but it didn't really bother me
who cared
what humans talked about
in a tree house
my house.

Anònim ha dit...

and then, when you grow like shine on snow, you'd, all of a sudden, find home out from house.