dimarts, 29 de juny del 2010


UI quins nervis!
El pròxim post ja serà des de Japó!
No conec pràcticament res d'aquest país i hi aniré a viure tres mesos... A treballar molt, però també a intentar descobrir tots els secrets que amaga. Bé, tots tots segur que no... No espero descobrir-ho tot, però sí tot el que pugui!
Així que el meu mòbil morirà aviat i durant tres mesos estarà inactiu. Això sí, per mail em podreu contactar! Intentaré fer anar l'skype de tant en tant, així que si algú el té i té ganes de parlar amb mi, que em busqui!
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf! Quins nervis!

dissabte, 26 de juny del 2010

Compte enrere

Falten pocs dies i moltes coses a fer. Però falten pocs dies!

There was a time, in Nowhereland
where the sun shined three times per day
and the moon was so gealous that it did not bright
in the dark night sky behind the mountains.

There was a time, in Nowhereland
where the birds did not sing
they were so sad because their friend had left
they would not try neither to eat.

There was a time, in Nowhereland
where the frogs and the leaves were not green
they were red, they were ashamed
to have failed to their friend who left indeed.

There was a time, in Nowhereland
where the sky was pink and the water green
the sun was purple and the clouds were brown
and the dinosaurs came back to town.