Barreja en un bol:
- un viatge a Madrid
- un concert
- un pica-pica
- una mirada
- un somriure
- uns quants mails creuats
Quan estigui tot ben barrejat, deixa-ho reposar uns set dies, i obtindràs dos desconeguts que esdevenen amics en una terrasseta de la plaça del Sol tot bevent una canya i una clara!
A partir del gener 2013 i fins al desembre del mateix any, el bloc es converteix en les vivències i curiositats de l'Anna un altre cop a Barcelona, durant l'últim any de doctorat.
dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010
dissabte, 15 de maig del 2010
Les lleis de Herman
"The "Laws of Herman" were published in Nature 445, 228 (2007). They are "tongue-in-cheek" advice to graduate students doing doctoral thesis work."
1. Your vacation begins after you defend your thesis.
2. In research, what matters is what is right, and not who is right.
3. In research and other matters, your adviser is always right, most of the time.
4. Act as if your adviser is always right, almost all the time.
5. If you think you are right and you are able to convince your adviser, your adviser will be very happy.
6. Your productivity varies as (effective productive time spent per day)^1000
7. Your productivity also varies as 1/(your delay in analysing acquired data)^1000
8. Take data today as if you know that your equipment will break tomorrow.
9. If you would be unhappy to lose your data, make a permanent back-up copy of them within five minutes of acquiring them.
10. Your adviser expects your productivity o be low initially and then to be above threshold after a year or so.
11. You must become a bigger expert in your thesis area than your adviser.
12. When you cooperate, your adviser's blood pressure will go down a bit.
13. When you don't cooperate, your adviser's book pressure either goes up a bit or it goes down to zero.
14. Usually, only when you can publish your results are they good enough to be part of your thesis.
15. The higher the quality, first, and quantity, second, of your publishable work, the better your thesis.
16. Remember, it's your thesis. You (!) need to do it.
17. Your adviser wants you to become famous, so that he/she can finally become famous.
18. Your adviser wants to write the best letter of recommendation for you that is possible.
19. Whatever is best for you is best for your adviser.
20. Whatever is best for your adviser is best for you.
1. Your vacation begins after you defend your thesis.
2. In research, what matters is what is right, and not who is right.
3. In research and other matters, your adviser is always right, most of the time.
4. Act as if your adviser is always right, almost all the time.
5. If you think you are right and you are able to convince your adviser, your adviser will be very happy.
6. Your productivity varies as (effective productive time spent per day)^1000
7. Your productivity also varies as 1/(your delay in analysing acquired data)^1000
8. Take data today as if you know that your equipment will break tomorrow.
9. If you would be unhappy to lose your data, make a permanent back-up copy of them within five minutes of acquiring them.
10. Your adviser expects your productivity o be low initially and then to be above threshold after a year or so.
11. You must become a bigger expert in your thesis area than your adviser.
12. When you cooperate, your adviser's blood pressure will go down a bit.
13. When you don't cooperate, your adviser's book pressure either goes up a bit or it goes down to zero.
14. Usually, only when you can publish your results are they good enough to be part of your thesis.
15. The higher the quality, first, and quantity, second, of your publishable work, the better your thesis.
16. Remember, it's your thesis. You (!) need to do it.
17. Your adviser wants you to become famous, so that he/she can finally become famous.
18. Your adviser wants to write the best letter of recommendation for you that is possible.
19. Whatever is best for you is best for your adviser.
20. Whatever is best for your adviser is best for you.
dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010
Mèxic (I)
Ahir vaig tornar d'una estada a Mèxic, el país del blat de moro i del chile, el país on he pogut gaudir d'un menjar diferent però excel·lent, d'unes platges meravelloses, d'una posta i una sortida de sol inoblidables (a la foto) i d'una companyia molt agradable. Però també de moltes hores d'autocar, d'un caos considerable a DF, d'una multitud als metros en hores punta i d'alguna anada de més al bany.
Tota una experiència, que m'ha servit per conèixer una altra manera de viure, de fer; una altra cultura i uns altres costums; m'ha servit també per desconectar i carregar piles per començar de nou demà mateix amb la investigació; i m'ha servit per retrobar-me amb el meu amic que feia un any que no veia, entre altres - segur que em deixo moltes coses.
D'entrada, us deixo alguns apunts curiosos que m'agradaria recordar: tasses de vàter més llargues del compte, interruptors horitzontals, aigües de fruites (pinya, durazno -préssec-, mango...), autobusos privats i pagar el viatge al moment, onades altíssimes, cabanyes per passar la nit a 150 pesos, molts modismes (pinche, pendejo, carnal...), molts noms pre-hispànics de ciutats i carrers - alguns d'ells, impronunciables -, mercats amb el peix i la carn sense refrigeració, grills fregits i moltes coses més que espero anar-vos explicant en propers posts.
De moment, au boulot!
D'entrada, us deixo alguns apunts curiosos que m'agradaria recordar: tasses de vàter més llargues del compte, interruptors horitzontals, aigües de fruites (pinya, durazno -préssec-, mango...), autobusos privats i pagar el viatge al moment, onades altíssimes, cabanyes per passar la nit a 150 pesos, molts modismes (pinche, pendejo, carnal...), molts noms pre-hispànics de ciutats i carrers - alguns d'ells, impronunciables -, mercats amb el peix i la carn sense refrigeració, grills fregits i moltes coses més que espero anar-vos explicant en propers posts.
De moment, au boulot!
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