un suec havia de ser... el cd que em va deixar en raül fa dies que me l'escolto. i hi ha una cançó que és divertida, com sona. n'hi ha de més tranquil·letes, de més romanticones, de més nostàlgiques, alguna amb uns violins estridents...
forma part de l'indienational tour que està voltant per europa, i potser per més enllà i tot. hagués estat bé, suposo. potser. qui sap.
when it's over
and sweat is running down your back
when it's over
she's breathing
she's breathing heavenly when it's over
I follow all instructions
I want more and I want it now
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance
you're always so slow
the loving you make is all I know
I came a long way to hear you say
sweden slow
sweet and slow
when it's over
why won't you let me stay when it's over
my soul is burning
it's burning viciously when it's over
it gives me a moment to
think about what I should have done
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance...
now that it's over
it's driving me insane to know
that it's over
I wish you could let fall one more time
before it's over
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance...
al final, el tio diu, entre altres:
I wrote that song wondering if people thought that we were the same in bed
referint-se als suecs...
forma part de l'indienational tour que està voltant per europa, i potser per més enllà i tot. hagués estat bé, suposo. potser. qui sap.
when it's over
and sweat is running down your back
when it's over
she's breathing
she's breathing heavenly when it's over
I follow all instructions
I want more and I want it now
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance
you're always so slow
the loving you make is all I know
I came a long way to hear you say
sweden slow
sweet and slow
when it's over
why won't you let me stay when it's over
my soul is burning
it's burning viciously when it's over
it gives me a moment to
think about what I should have done
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance...
now that it's over
it's driving me insane to know
that it's over
I wish you could let fall one more time
before it's over
let's just lose some sleep
honey, I like the way you dance...
al final, el tio diu, entre altres:
I wrote that song wondering if people thought that we were the same in bed
referint-se als suecs...
2 comentaris:
ui, t'equivoques
era això si no llegies el text ;)
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